12 Steps To Learn Web Development
projects by
Alien Dev
- HTML, CSS and GitHUB Project Link: Flower Shop
- Responsive Website LayoutProject Link: Gamer Zone
- CSS Framework- Tailwind and DaisyUIProject Link: Fruit Burst
- Basic JavaScript (JS)Github Link: Problem Solving
- DOM- Integrate JavaScriptProject Link: Summer Sale
- API and ES6- Intermediate JavaScriptProject Link: PH Tube
- SImple ReactJSProject Link: Course Registration
- React Router and State ManagementProject Link: Donation Campain
- React Firebase AuthenticationProject Link: Event Management- Yoga And Wellness Retreat
- Backend &Database- NodeJS & CRUDProject Link: Brand Shop- Roadstar Automotive Car
- Backend With CRUD, JWT & AXIOS InterceptorProject Link: BookByte - Library Management Software
- Complete MERN ProjectProject Link: Pet Adoption - Pawspalace